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恶劣天气的可靠运行对于部署安全自治车辆(AVS)至关重要。通过熔化来自标准AV传感器套件(即,Lidars,Cameras)的数据,可以实现鲁棒性和可靠性,其中天气强壮的传感器,例如毫米波雷达。批判性地,精确的传感器数据融合需要了解传感器对之间的刚体变换,这可以通过外部校准的过程来确定。已经为2D(平面)雷达传感器设计了许多外部校准算法 - 然而,最近开发的低成本3D毫米波雷达被设定为在许多应用中取代其2D对应物。在本文中,我们提出了一种连续时间3D雷达 - 相机外在校准算法,其利用雷达速度测量,并且与大多数现有技术不同,不需要专门的雷达逆向反射器存在于环境中。我们推出了我们配方的可观察性性质,并通过合成和现实世界实验证明了我们的算法的功效。
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开放程序代表全球手术的主要形式。人工智能(AI)有可能优化手术实践并改善患者结果,但努力主要集中在微创技术上。我们的工作通过策划,从YouTube,从YouTube,Open Surgical视频的最大数据集克服了培训AI模型的现有数据限制:1997年从50个国家上传的23个外科手术的视频。使用此数据集,我们开发了一种能够实时了解外科行为,手和工具的多任务AI模型 - 程序流程和外科医生技能的构建块。我们表明我们的模型推广了各种外科类型和环境。说明这种普遍性,我们直接应用了YouTube培训的模型,分析了在学术医疗中心前瞻性收集的开放式手术,并确定了与手动效率相关的外科技能的运动学描述符。我们的开放外科(AVOS)数据集和培训模式的注释视频将可用于进一步发展外科艾。
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The detection of anomalies in time series data is crucial in a wide range of applications, such as system monitoring, health care or cyber security. While the vast number of available methods makes selecting the right method for a certain application hard enough, different methods have different strengths, e.g. regarding the type of anomalies they are able to find. In this work, we compare six unsupervised anomaly detection methods with different complexities to answer the questions: Are the more complex methods usually performing better? And are there specific anomaly types that those method are tailored to? The comparison is done on the UCR anomaly archive, a recent benchmark dataset for anomaly detection. We compare the six methods by analyzing the experimental results on a dataset- and anomaly type level after tuning the necessary hyperparameter for each method. Additionally we examine the ability of individual methods to incorporate prior knowledge about the anomalies and analyse the differences of point-wise and sequence wise features. We show with broad experiments, that the classical machine learning methods show a superior performance compared to the deep learning methods across a wide range of anomaly types.
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Recently, many causal estimators for Conditional Average Treatment Effect (CATE) and instrumental variable (IV) problems have been published and open sourced, allowing to estimate granular impact of both randomized treatments (such as A/B tests) and of user choices on the outcomes of interest. However, the practical application of such models has ben hampered by the lack of a valid way to score the performance of such models out of sample, in order to select the best one for a given application. We address that gap by proposing novel scoring approaches for both the CATE case and an important subset of instrumental variable problems, namely those where the instrumental variable is customer acces to a product feature, and the treatment is the customer's choice to use that feature. Being able to score model performance out of sample allows us to apply hyperparameter optimization methods to causal model selection and tuning. We implement that in an open source package that relies on DoWhy and EconML libraries for implementation of causal inference models (and also includes a Transformed Outcome model implementation), and on FLAML for hyperparameter optimization and for component models used in the causal models. We demonstrate on synthetic data that optimizing the proposed scores is a reliable method for choosing the model and its hyperparameter values, whose estimates are close to the true impact, in the randomized CATE and IV cases. Further, we provide examles of applying these methods to real customer data from Wise.
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In this paper, we present a novel and effective framework, named 4K-NeRF, to pursue high fidelity view synthesis on the challenging scenarios of ultra high resolutions, building on the methodology of neural radiance fields (NeRF). The rendering procedure of NeRF-based methods typically relies on a pixel wise manner in which rays (or pixels) are treated independently on both training and inference phases, limiting its representational ability on describing subtle details especially when lifting to a extremely high resolution. We address the issue by better exploring ray correlation for enhancing high-frequency details benefiting from the use of geometry-aware local context. Particularly, we use the view-consistent encoder to model geometric information effectively in a lower resolution space and recover fine details through the view-consistent decoder, conditioned on ray features and depths estimated by the encoder. Joint training with patch-based sampling further facilitates our method incorporating the supervision from perception oriented regularization beyond pixel wise loss. Quantitative and qualitative comparisons with modern NeRF methods demonstrate that our method can significantly boost rendering quality for retaining high-frequency details, achieving the state-of-the-art visual quality on 4K ultra-high-resolution scenario. Code Available at \url{https://github.com/frozoul/4K-NeRF}
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In collective decision-making, designing algorithms that use only local information to effect swarm-level behaviour is a non-trivial problem. We used machine learning techniques to teach swarm members to map their local perceptions of the environment to an optimal action. A curriculum inspired by Machine Education approaches was designed to facilitate this learning process and teach the members the skills required for optimal performance in the collective perception problem. We extended upon previous approaches by creating a curriculum that taught agents resilience to malicious influence. The experimental results show that well-designed rules-based algorithms can produce effective agents. When performing opinion fusion, we implemented decentralised resilience by having agents dynamically weight received opinion. We found a non-significant difference between constant and dynamic weights, suggesting that momentum-based opinion fusion is perhaps already a resilience mechanism.
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